I told some friends I write Older Adult fiction and the crap hit the fan. I had no idea it would touch a nerve. [Read more…]
Why Old People Are Happier
From age 50 on up, people report being happier. The question is why. I think they’ve found the answer. [Read more…]
The Old Lady at the Conference
Looking out on the audience at the national conference, I wondered if my talk would resonate. Most of the audience was much younger than me, maybe too young to appreciate my message. [Read more…]
Your New Pro-Aging Mantra
Why Do Humans Live Past Menopause? The Grandmother Hypothesis
Why do humans live past menopause? Fully one-third of the human lifespan occurs after childbearing ceases. Given Mother Nature’s preference for reproduction, what could explain this? [Read more…]
Vietnam Vets Sacrifice Health for Horses
North Dakota has a special place in my heart, as you know. It’s why I based my novel there. [Read more…]
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