A midlife fiction book recommendation
Not everything you see is real. Sometimes, your fabulous neighbors might actually be going through something else entirely.
[Read more…]Any Shiny Thing - Life after 50
Midlife Fiction
Baby Boomers are tougher than Millennials. They have more grit. Although this sounds like a rank generalization, there are studies that show it’s true. Given it’s a given, the question is, why? [Read more…]
John Tarnoff is a Baby Boomer with a can-do, no BS attitude. He’s a super-motivating career coach, but his ideas are applicable to life in general. Lucky for us, he put them into a book. [Read more…]
If you’re like me, you keep a journal. Actually if you’re like me, you have over 30 years of journals, stored in boxes in the garage. What do you plan to do with all that material? What if you don’t want people to see them, but you drop over dead and there they are? What if your state secrets get into the wrong hands?
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