I remember times before computers! In 2009, I started blogging using Dreamweaver. Yes, that one. OMG, I still have a headache from that experience. Which is why I’m so happy we’ve progressed. Life for writers is now so much easier.
[Read more…]Having the Courage to Go Gray
I stopped coloring my hair about five years ago. After half a century, I was finally able to reject what I felt as societal pressure and go gray. Reject ageism. Accept mortality. Yes, I have been accused of overthinking. But still.
[Read more…]What the Very Elderly Can Teach Us
Aging is complicated. I often speak about positive aging, about the good stuff that comes with age if we’re not too fearful to appreciate it. But the fact is, a lot of the good happens in your brain. The two hemispheres begin to communicate better. You can solve complex problems in a snap using pattern recognition. You’re not as affected by drama. You’re more calm, maybe even happier. Strange how the aging brain seems to get stronger.
On the other hand, the body falls apart.
Staying Brave as We Age
As I sit writing in the pre-dawn, a blessing arrives: the sound of raindrops on my patio roof. I’m struck by inspiration: how beautiful it would be to feel the drops on my skin. I set my notebook aside and open the front door, but there’s a problem.
Dressing Crazy When You’re Older
Tell the Truth: Aging is Pretty Cool
We Boomers are a monster demographic. When I was in elementary school at St. Gregory’s, the nuns struggled to teach as many as sixty kids in a class. [Read more…]
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