Last month, I posted here about setting our annual goals, and a bunch of you weighed in with your dreams and aspirations. How are yours going? [Read more…]
Let’s Pop the Cork on Our 2011 Goals!
Do you ever feel like your days are being nibbled away by chipmunks? My days seem to disappear in hundreds of tiny bites. [Read more…]
What Does Wisdom Mean to Me?
One of the greatest benefits of aging is the accumulation of wisdom. [Read more…]
A Rant on Looks, Dating in Midlife, and Other Stupid Worries
I happen to think my appearance should only matter if I personally care about it, and not because society says I should look as hot as possible until I die, because otherwise you are worthless. [Read more…]
Learning to Golf at Age 42 Changed my Life
My friend was reading my manuscript for Dakota Blues, and she was too nice to say it directly, but [Read more…]
Cougars vs. Leopards
Are you a leopard or a cougar? You’ve never heard of a woman being referred to as a leopard? Me neither. Here’s the def from Urban Dictionary, with my comments interspersed in bold:
NOT an “urban cougar” but still a single or divorced woman 35 to 55 (why the upper age limit? Do we just become unsexed at 56?), intelligent, successful, educated, secure in herself, her looks and her life. She enjoys the company of men on her terms. She does not seek younger men, older men or even men her own age. They seek HER. These women are far, far classier than the trashy “cougar” (oh, stop with the hokey women-to-women conflicts.) They do not frequent bars for pick ups, hook ups or anything other than a drink and some company with their girl friends. They do not hide their ages (unless they’re over 55?) or their attitudes and are impatient with obvious come ons. Mostly solitary, they are very, very difficult to hunt, hence “leopardess”. Katherine Hepburn would have been the Ultimate Urban Leopard(ess). You might call them a MILF if you want to get slapped (good; I was wondering when we’d stop using that insulting acronym). Also called a leopardess or quite simply, a grown woman.
“Dude. Don’t. That’s no cougar. That’s a leopard. She will smack your ass and send you home to Mommy.” –overheard in a bar
Lynne again. I can’t believe we even use terms like cougar, leopard, and MILF. As if our worth is still being defined only within the context of our f#*kability. What about all the other outstanding, magical aspects of our existence? Like creativity, productivity, love, heroism, practicing a profession, saving the country, raising kids, caring for parents, running corporations, running for office…
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