Because ageism is so closely related to sexism, you’ll want to learn this amazing technique for making your voice heard.
This is hysterical. The technique is called amplification. I laughed out loud at the video, and will report back on the book, the Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual by Jessica Bennett. And here’s the story in USA Today that started it all (thanks to my smart feminist husband, Bill, for the heads-up.)
Thanks for this Lynn. I also laughed out loud. Good to learn (and to challenge) with humour – people less defensive so remember better. Look forward to your report on the book.
Thanks, Mary.
Thanks for sharing this article, Lynne. This is the first time I have heard of the three terms:
1. Amplification
2. Shine Theory
3. Boast Bitch
All three of these strategies are great ways for people to support one another!
Like you, I plan to find ways to put them into practice.
And thanks for sharing it on Facebook, Sue. I bought the book, and I will report back.
You’re welcome, Lynne.
I look forward to your follow up.
I think the women political commentators and analysts on CNN have had that training, particularly the ones supporting Trump. They talk over everyone, male and female. It’s increasingly shrill and uncompromising. Unfortunately, when there is an injustice, as in males talking over females for eons, the pendulum swings too far in the other direction. I don’t favor CNN, but lately have listened to it for the most up to the minute commentary. Actually, when I think about it, all of the Trump advocates talk loudly over everyone else, and don’t allow anyone to get their point across. Over and out, CNN!
What kills me is the way “news” is often nothing more than inviting two partisans to go at each other. It’s like reading an editorial on Why Global Warming is a Farce, by Joe Coal, CEO of Dirty Air, Inc. No difference between this and those TV shows where people throw chairs at each other. Sickening.
That was fun to watch. Felt my claws come out a few times. But have to comment on the one with the two women. Have been in that situation a few times in my working years and only rarely did it turn out that way. I found that many woman feel threatened by a ‘new’ woman in their job space, much more it seemed to me than men did. But then on the other hand I never had to put up with ‘off color’ sexual statements and what would now be called sexual harassment from the females.
Everything is so much more blatant these days. It’s disheartening. But I never knew about the “amplification” technique, and if I’m ever in a group where I’m part of a minority, whether by age or gender, I’m going to use it to support the speaker. And BTW, since Bill watched this first, he knows about the strategies in the video, and when we were watching the news last night, we saw a young-ish female political commentator talk louder and not stop when a man interrupted her. For a minute they were both jabbering, and per my socialization, I would have probably shut up. But as loud and annoying as they both were, I thought she exemplified the technique really well. And he did not win. Yay.
Loved it, Lynne. Those good ole boys didn’t know what hit them! Thanks for sharing.
I loved the Mortal Kombat parallel!