My husband and I used to subscribe to our local paper, until our house was broken into on the first night after we ordered a vacation stop. (The paper carrier was later indicted for other thefts in the neighborhood). We bought a second laptop and now we sit together every morning reading our computers.
We can read whatever paper we want, for free. USAToday, our local, LATimes, NYTimes, anything on the planet. Free.
Also, while we’re reading, we can follow other links (if we read a compelling book review, we can click over to Amazon and order the book, then go back to the “paper”. If you read that a hurricane is raging, you can click on the video and watch it happen.)
But there’s a downside. While we’re viewing this for free, somebody is working to create these stories. That reporter must be paid. Any ideas? Because I feel kind of guilty. What do you think?
krpooler says
What an interesting discussion as our way of life is changing right before our eyes. I hate the idea of getting the news from only one source , we do need different perspectives for more balanced reporting. Thanks for a very thought-provoking post and discussion!
Lynne Spreen says
Thanks, Kathy!
Debbie says
Journalism was my livelihood for many years, and it breaks my heart what’s happened to it. While I, too, like to get info for free, you’re right that news-gatherers and editors, etc. must be paid (or we wind up with a dictatorship). If brave, ethical “tellers of the news” don’t investigate and tell us what they find out, we’re doomed to believing lies, seeing conspiracies behind every corner, or living under a cloak of secrecy — NOT my idea of living as free people! The Internet has so much potential for good — bringing people together, educating, entertaining, and inspiring — and while I cringe at the thought of being “taxed” to receive information, isn’t that what we’re doing already anyway? I mean, we PAY for a newspaper subscription, we PAY for Internet access, we PAY for television service! The only thing is, WHO should we be paying?? The government or a coalition of governments?? Perish the thought!! Thanks for an interesting post.
Lynne Spreen says
Yes, Debbie! The 2-year investigation by the Washington Post of the US intelligence complex ( was funded by the WP. How else will we ever hear of this kind of thing? People have to eat and pay their rent while they’re investigating. I’m willing to pay a subscription fee for this, absolutely. Our democracy depends on the fourth estate.