Remember I told you about the decision to go gray? It was about something way more important than hair color. [Read more…]
25 Midlife Hobby Ideas
When I was young, I was busy working, churning through marriages, and raising my son. Who had time for hobbies? But now I’m older, and I yearn to have more fun. [Read more…]
Hospitals Can “Give You” Dementia
Nobody would want to stay in a 19th-century hospital, where flies and rats proliferated, surgery was done without anesthesia (not yet invented), and the spread of disease wasn’t understood. [Read more…]
The Generations Need Each Other
I’ve read that you can divide up the human lifespan into three distinct age groups. Each one is unique and powerful. But more than that, they need each other.
[Read more…]
Why Fathers Matter
Men are often under-appreciated as caregivers because they have their own way of parenting. [Read more…]
Viagra for Women
Did you know there are now 26 different meds to help men get an erection, and yet nothing to help women’s sexual performance? I’m not surprised. Men were easy. Women? Ha. [Read more…]
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