May you find peace and inspiration in the season.
Becoming Hopeful
Getting older can take a toll on hopefulness. By now, we’re no strangers to pain and suffering. [Read more…]
Mom, 89, is Matriarch
Rahm Emanuel said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” When Mom fell and broke her femur three years ago, the hellish aftermath required that she sell her house and move. [Read more…]
I Hate Online Ads
Can you believe how aggressive online ads are getting? [Read more…]
The Woman Genius Who Corrected Sir Isaac Newton
Emilie du Chatelet is the smartest woman you never heard of. Not only was she a fun-loving, sexy beauty, she was a mathematical genius. [Read more…]
Spring Cleaning For Real This Time
It’s that time of year you want to throw open your closet doors and clear the sucker out. Get rid of the old crap and see the back wall for once. [Read more…]
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