I was contacted by a furniture company recently. They complimented my blog and suggested I do a future post, cleverly including their products. While that’s not what we do here at AST, I was motivated by the idea they suggested: writing about your favorite place to read. Or better yet, a fantasy reading spot.
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A Simple Way to Work Against Gun Violence
It’s a lazy Sunday morning in Texas. My dear friend Kathy, who I met when we were seventeen, is reading the San Antonio Express-News. I’m Googling “gun deaths in the United States.” [Read more…]
RIP Las Vegas
I can’t do a blog post today. My little essays are meaningless in the face of such tragedy. I feel despair about the carnage, and about the possibility of it ever getting better. But if we didn’t learn anything from seeing twenty 6-year-olds being slaughtered, if we weren’t moved by a President’s tears, there’s no hope for us.
So I’m spending my time praying and hugging my family. I’m sorry I’m such a downer. I’m sure by next week, like the rest of the nation, I will have forgotten, mostly. And continue whistling past the graveyard, hoping it never happens to us personally.
Please say something. I’d appreciate it.
How to Be Happy (or Get Through the Pain)
I’m writing this post because someone I know is dealing with health challenges. In fact, three — no, four — people I know, friends or family. Severe health challenges. It can be depressing, but here are some helpful offsets. [Read more…]
Staying Brave as We Age
As I sit writing in the pre-dawn, a blessing arrives: the sound of raindrops on my patio roof. I’m struck by inspiration: how beautiful it would be to feel the drops on my skin. I set my notebook aside and open the front door, but there’s a problem.
10 Tips for Mastering Your Life from Boomer Reinvention
John Tarnoff is a Baby Boomer with a can-do, no BS attitude. He’s a super-motivating career coach, but his ideas are applicable to life in general. Lucky for us, he put them into a book. [Read more…]
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