As a writer, I occasionally come out of my cave to interact with actual live people. That’s one reason I enjoy the monthly meetings at the Palm Springs Writers’ Guild. Last Saturday was especially pleasant. [Read more…]
Boomer Lifestyle is about Freedom
Have You Written Your Life List?
You Still Get to Choose
Yes, this post is all a little dark, but there’s a silver lining at the end, so stay with me.
All through life, regardless of age, you wonder how to live your life. Should you be more understanding, patient, and loving, or less? What is your duty to others, as opposed to yourself? Should you take that job overseas and break your mother’s heart, or stay in your hometown close to the relatives? [Read more…]
Don’t You Love Being 60?
I used to think it was a big deal, turning 50. Age-related surgeries and hormonal events were a challenge (to say the least). [Read more…]
A Visit with Author Jim Misko
What if you faced the choice between losing your inheritance or saddling up for a journey of hundreds of miles on horseback – and you’re in your sixties? That’s the premise for As All My Fathers Were, the latest novel by my friend Jim Misko. We sat down recently to talk about the book and the writing life. [Read more…]
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