Fun stuff for your entertainment pleasure! Treat yourself to a wonderfully gratifying work of fiction, Two Old Women by Velma Wallis. It’s a life-affirming story about how older and younger people do much better when they pool their talents. A wonderful reinvention tale brought to you by Athabascan cultural history. I cried with joy when I got to the end. Everybody I shared it with loved it, including my 89-year-old mother.
Last Monday, I had the fun of doing my very first radio interview, at KNSJ 89.1 FM San Diego. I’m happy to say I didn’t embarrass myself, thanks to host Reina Menasche and Eddie, the sound engineer.
Last weekend, I gave away my novel, Dakota Blues, in the ebook format, and so many people wanted it that it hit #3 on the Amazon Bestseller list. Which could have made me $65,000. But it was free. Hey, I’m just glad it’s out there, serving humanity.
Time Magazine confirmed some great news about getting older. I’d link to the article but it’s subscriber-only. No problem, because I blogged about the same stuff a year ago. Here it is:
- Myelination doesn’t peak until your sixties. Myelin is a substance that coats the brain circuits and, in my simple way of understanding it, enhances the reception or bandwidth in your brain. I wrote about that here. Time also said when you use your brain a lot, later in life, you’re forcing it to repair itself. Good deal.
- Positivity increases later in life, and you have greater control over your emotions – even though older people feel emotions more strongly! That’s in the same blog post, linked above.
- Bilateralization occurs later in life. It means you use both halves of your brain instead of just the right brain for art, left brain for analysis. This adds up to deeper, more creative, more out-of-the-box thinking. Who knew? More here.
- Another reason you’re more creative in older age: you’ve resolved earlier conundrums. You don’t have to spend the same amount of energy worrying, or figuring things out, or even working to feed yourself. Or raise kids. That frees up a heck of a lot of energy for creative pursuit. Combine that with bilateralization and you’re plain awesome.
Finally, to celebrate life itself because I’m so grateful for my blessings, here are a couple stories for you. They are part of my new book, Middle-Aged Crazy: Short Stories about Midlife and Beyond.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Bravo, Lynne, a smashing book give away, a radio interview and new book coming out. To top it off, you look younger AND sound smarter every day. Thanks for leading the way in the biz of being our authentic selves.
You are too kind, Pat. To both the younger and smarter point, though, let’s say kudos to the editor! (Reina and I were laughing about some of the photos that didn’t come out so well. We studied the initial shots and she said something about her picture needing to be cropped. Let’s stipulate here that Reina is blessed with bounteous cleavage. I kidded her, “I usually Photoshop the boobs IN, but in your case…” )
What great info. Thanks so much. Will be picking up a copy of your book.
I appreciate that!
Number 3!! That’s fantastic! I’m so glad your giveaway and radio interview were successful. Thanks for the info from Time Magazine. I’m looking forward to BOOMER LOVE.
Thanks, Sandy! I made the announcement in part to hold my own feet to the fire and make sure I get it done.
Look at you, Lynne! Being all successful and stuff with Dakota Blues, then following it up with novel number two! Wow! Isn’t it a good thing you “retired” when you did?! Wish I could’ve heard your radio interview, but I know it was fabulous. Congrats, and thanks for the gentle nudge!
Nudge, nudge, Debbie!
Wow, what a lot of terrific information. My brain feels smarter already. Time to start another novel! Congratulations on being #3! And I can’t wait for Boomer Love. I’ll also get a copy of Two Old Women. You are an inspiration, Lynne. Thank you for giving me a shot in the arm. I’m proud to be your friend.
Wow, what a nice thing to hear! Back atcha, girlfriend.
I just think you rock Lynne – on every level. I’m just sorry your radio interview wasn’t available in DC. I’m sure it was entertaining, informative and instructive – like you.
Mimi, you’re too kind! Thanks for the lift. Have a beautiful weekend.
Actually, you’d be surprised – sometimes I’m a real snark…;-) Seriously I just call it as I feel it. Happy Friday..